
VNET actively practices sustainable development, integrates environmental, social and governance (ESG) management philosophy into major decisions of the Group, promotes high-quality development of the Group, and safeguards the interests of investors, customers, employees, communities and other stakeholders.

We believe in long-term commitments and responsibilities for our industry, environment, and society, as they are the foundation of our ongoing success in a highly competitive, ever-changing market. To this end, we always adhere to the national strategy, contribute to the economic and social development, and proactively improve our ESG management and performances.?

As a domestic leader and a global key player, VNET seeks to contribute to a greener, more prosperous and harmonious future with our partner. We strive to do so by leveraging our industrial resources, technological capacity, and operational know-how as we believe in a sustainable digital future for the world economy.

一一 VNET Group, Inc.

SHIELD Sustainability System

As a member of UNGC, we pledge to support its Ten Principles and the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To benchmark and align with SDGs, we have developed a sustainability system called SHIELD and integrated 18 identified sustainability issues into six implementation areas, namely Social, Human, Innovation, Environment, Leadership, and Development. We also supervise and assess our ESG performance in a holistic manner to improve our sustainability management.


Highlights of sustainable development actions in 2023
Green data center certifications obtained in total
The average annual PUE of data centers with stabilized operations in 2023
Customer satisfaction after the call for the fifth consecutive year
Coverage of anti-corruption training for directors and employees
Percentage of female employees in management positions
National customer satisfaction in 2023
Intellectual property newly obtained in 2023
ESG Ratings
With the outstanding performance in ESG management, responding to climate change and other aspects, VNET was repeatedly recognized by various international rating agencies and capital markets, demonstrating our continuously enhanced international competitiveness.
VNET values the communication with stakeholders, identifies ESG topics that our stakeholders focus, and enhances the disclosure of these material issues through publishing regular reports to respond to stakeholders' expectations. This will increase trust and cooperation whilst jointly advancing the sustainable development of the Group and the society.
Effective and comprehensive management system and policies are essential to achieving sustainable development. VNET consistently improves related policies to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability.
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